Tuesday, February 11, 2025

7 “Dip your Toe” Ways to Prove Value and Capture the Sale!


One of the problems you face when marketing your product on the Internet is that the whole transaction is based on trust and proving value. Your web site plays the crucial role of presenting what you are about, why clients need you, how you can help them, and to build trust.

You need to prove the value of your product to the customer so that they aren’t afraid to risk their hard earned money. Building trust is especially important if you are selling a higher priced item and people need assurance that your product/service is “worth” the money.

Here are some proven ideas to build trust with customers by letting them “dip their toe” in the water and try your services in low risk ways. After they experience the value for themselves, then they will be ready and eager to “jump in” and purchase your full-blown or tie-in product offering.

1) FREE TELECLASS – Offer a free 1 hour teleclass on a given topic. If you “wow” them with the free teleclass, then they’ll be eager to take the follow up for fee teleclass that offers more comprehensive coverage on the topic. Just make sure you don’t give it ALL away in the freebie. Give them a sexy tease into what the fee class will do to build upon what they learned in the free class. If you are looking to learn more about how to create and conduct a teleclass, you’ll find more information from Phil Humbert’s site here: http://www.philiphumbert.com/Bridge.htm. He rents telebridges, teaches many successful for fee teleclasses and has taught others to do the same.

2) PROBLEM/SOLUTION APPROACH ARTICLE – Write an article the presents a problem and shows how your product/service solves the problem. This proves your value “up front” and tells customers how to contact you to “solve” the given problem your article addresses. At the end of the article, include an author bio, which includes: a teaser about your product, contact info, and a “special” discount, which makes it an offer, they can’t refuse! For example, read this cleverly written article about “The 5 Tactics Your Internet Business Must Employ Immediately if You Want to Prosper in the Next 90 Days” which leads you to sign up for his ezine. http://www.killertactics.com/ Clever huh?

3) FREE EBOOK – Write a mini ebook/brochure that presents a problem and offers a solution. Think of it as an “infomercial”. Say for example, you figure out what the top 10 problems are for your target audience. Then, either give them the answers, or give them the questions/tools to help them access their level of need. In the back of the ebook, you can offer a discount and information about the products/services you offer that will help them solve these problems.

4) FREE AUTORESPONDER COURSE – Create a free 5 week course designed to help them with a particular issue. Offer the autoresponder course on your web site. Once they see the value of the information your present, they will want to buy the full-blown version of your product/service. A great free sequential autoresponder is http://www.getresponse.com

5) RADIO INTERVIEW – Think of this as an “audio” infomercial. By doing a radio interview you get a great chance to showcase your expertise. When people hear your voice in person, they feel as though they know you. It provides a believable forum for you to present your marketing message. My radio interview about from Money Room and Let’s Do Biz Online do a great job of showcasing my ebook expertise and really boost my ebook sales. Take a listen to me recent radio interviews here: http://www.kcustom.com/cgi-bin/sgx/d.cgi?ultimate-10000 .

6) TESTIMONIALS – Testimonials let the customer live vicariously the experience of others using your product. If you have customers who love your “stuff”, I strongly encourage you to ask if they’d mind writing a testimonial for you about their experience using your product or service. There is NOTHING more powerful than the words of a satisfied customer to build trust. For example, I know that contracting a web developer will cost a customer roughly $1000 for a small business site. I show the value of my extra friendly killer customer service thru the testimonials on my web site here: http://www.kcustom.com/testimonials.htm. This proves up front the level of service I offer and goes a long way to build trust with my future customers.

7) FREE CONSULTATION – Consider offering a free half hour consultation to prospective clients. This is an especially successful way to get your foot in the door with clients interested in your products/services. Remember the Kirby Vacuum salesman who shows up at your home to show you why you need a better vacuum and how his product will solve your cleaning needs? Use this time to access your client’s needs and tell him the specific ways that your service would address his needs. The conversation time allows you to build a personal rapport and trust.

The biggest profits are made from people who have remarkable ideas that change the world. By proving the value, you take the risk out of purchase. It’s all about proving “Will your product so what you say it will do and does” and “Does that product provide enough value for the price? By giving customers a low risk way to realize the value of your product, you’ll make it build the necessary trust to make the sale.

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Kristie Tamsevicius, is the author of “I Love My Life: A Mom’s Guide to Working from Home”! Thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs have used her step-by-step home business system to earn money working from home. Get a free ecourse Home Business Success Secrets at http://www.webmomz.com/ilovemylife1.htm

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