Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Slightly Sunburned, Congdon Strikes Back


“Dirty laundry is not attractive,” writes Amanda Congdon, the now former Rocketboom video blogger with a cult following. Her sudden public exodus yesterday sparked the Internet version of the Star Jones Wars of last week. Everyone knows that if you’re going down, you should go down shooting.

The online gossip machine wheezed and sputtered immediately when Congdon gave an emotional final broadcast revealing her “unboomed” status thanks to her disinterested partner, and then disappeared to the beach. Her partner and 51 percent owner of Rocketboom, Andrew Baron said he learned the news the same way everyone else did – by watching the show.

But that may be because, as Amanda intimates on her new “Amanda Unboomed” weblog, Baron was a bit of an absentee landlord. Congdon, who published her response to an email from Baron, says his aloofness in dealing with the show’s production culminated into Independence Day office fireworks when he told her she was the be “the face of Rocketboom,” and nothing else.

Owning a 49 percent stake in the company, Congdon obviously didn’t respond well to the notion. Dropping some more fuel on the fire, Baron said she would have forfeit her stake in the company if she moved to Los Angeles, a stipulation to which Congdon says she never agreed.

In Congdon’s response to the email, she reiterates that Baron had not only been aware of her plans to move to California since May of 2005, but the two had agreed the show should be produced from both coasts.

It gets extraordinarily personal as Amanda states it all “for the record” and for all the blogosphere to see; her “dirty laundry” piled atop an unemployment application, an expired lease, and a cancelled movers contract.

In the comments section, Amanda’s fan club is certain she’s the next face of something or other, and that Rocketboom will be left a North Korean dud without her.

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