Saturday, January 11, 2025

Taking Calculated Risks III


4. What am I afraid won’t happen? Sometimes we fear what won’t happen as much as what will happen. If I called on successful attorneys, I was afraid that I wouldn’t get any referrals from these centers of influence, or that I wouldn’t establish a positive image for myself and my firm. Repeat questions 2 and 3 to get past this particular point of resistance.

5. What are the benefits to my not taking this risk? It’s comfortable at this current comfort zone. No pain. I don’t have to think much. I can do my job on automatic pilot. I’m making enough money to get by. If I try something new I might fail. I’m at the top of the heap right now. If I try something now I could fall on my face. I’m too old to change.

After you defend all your excuses, focus on the benefits to taking the risk.

6. What are the benefits to my taking this risk? I would learn new skills. I will feel better about myself because I’m trying something outside my comfort zone. I could be wildly successful.

The late Doug Hooper, author of You Are What You Think, said “Anything that comes up in your life that will be to your betterment, say ‘yes’ to it immediately.”

Don’t think about how uncomfortable you will be, or that you’ve never tried this before, or that you don’t think you can do it. Instead, work through the six questions, weigh the outcome, and more often than you think, you’ll benefit from risking a yes.

Rebecca L. Morgan, CSP, is a dynamic speaker, author and seminarist. Contact her at 1440 Newport Ave., San Jose, CA 95125, 408/998-7977, 800/247-9662, fax: 408/998-1742. Please contact Rebecca for permission to reprint or repost this item.

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