Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Choice is Yours


What are your friends and family going to say at your funeral?

Will it be things like:

“He tried hard but never made it.”

“She could have done better if she had tried.”

“She never did much with her life, but she was a good person.”

“He didn’t leave his kids one dime, and his widow is going to have to work at a hamburger joint to make ends meet.”

Or are they going to say things like:

“She was extremely successful. She helped her family and her friends.”

“He started out with nothing, and ended up making millions.”

“She gave so much money to charity that no-one ever knew about.”

“His wife and kids will never have to work again.”

“She helped so many people teaching them how to make money and be happy.”

“He made things happen.”

On September 11th, 2001, we the people of the United States learned how easily life can be snuffed out. There were hundreds of heros who risked it all, and many who lost it all during this disaster. But, there are thousands more who will be remembered not for what they accomplished in life, but rather, simply for their method of their death.

Think about it people. At your funeral do you want your claim to fame to be how you died? I don’t. I want to be remembered for what I did in life.

Some wise man once said that we each will have 15 minutes of fame. Will your 15 minutes of fame be lying in a box in front of weeping friends? Or, will it be you standing in front of a cheering crowd as you share with them how you became a network marketing success?

The choice is yours.

Chris Bradford and Brande McCree are the publishers of MLM
Success Today, a weekly newsletter offering original articles
written by its publishers for both the experienced and the
beginner network marketer. The publishers offer unique insight
into the network marketing industry, not only based on their
network marketing experience, but also their experience in other
business ventures.

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