The Butchering of the English Language
George Orwell was a great writer. I recently came across a cool paper he wrote in 1946 titled Politics and the English Language. In it he stated that most bad writing typically has the following two signatures: staleness of imagery lack of precision He believed that it is the job of every writer to try to maintain (and improve upon) the clarity of language
Domesday – 900 Years of English History Online
I'd bet that few people haven't heard of the Domesday Book, the survey of England commissioned in 1085 by William I (William the Conqueror) who conquered England after the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Google Musical Opens; English Books Close
It's official. Google geek-chic has become so sexy they've made a musical tribute. Google: The Musical opens next week inMinnesota? In the spirit of l337 and Internet English, it may promise satisfactorily deplorable language mechanics.
French and English Not Getting Along: Imagine That
William of Normandy and Harold Godwinson failed to reach an agreement today no that's not it. Perhaps, the Duke of Wellington and Emperor Napoleon couldn't resolve differences in Brussels. Nope, that's not it either. Here we go. British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President, Jacques Chirac remain at odds over EU budgetary problems.
The Globalization of English
Newsweek has an excellent feature article in the 7 March issue (this week) of its international edition on how the English language is evolving and changing the way we communicate.
American vs. British English: A Webmasters Guide
When writing content for the World Wide Web, a lot of authors wonder if they should have their pages translated into languages such as French or Spanish in order to widen their audience and to give their sites a more international appearance. It is sensible of web designers to consider this question, but one thing few native English speakers ever consider is: Should I write in British English (BE) or American English (AE)?
Red Hat Talks to Customers in Plain English
In the e-newsletter world, a subscriber list of 10,000 - 20,000 readers is pretty impressive. A few publishers, such as Larry Chase, have over 40,000 subscribers. So I was amazed when I learned Red Hat boasts a subscriber list of 800,000 people for its e-newsletter, "Under the Brim" (UTB).
Copywriting for the Non-English-Speaking Audience
The power of the Internet lies in its global pervasiveness. It is practically everywhere. People of all languages access the Net from all over the globe. Just think of it as an infinite vastness for your business and marketing possibilities. Your marketing potential is directly proportional to the number of people who can understand your message.