Friday, February 7, 2025


Mission Impossible Statements

Most large companies have a mission statement, an expression that sets out the purpose of the organization or what the organization intends to achieve over time.

Deep Impact Mission A Success

Now that the mission has scored a direct hit on comet Tempel 1, scientists move on to analyze the data from the crash.

NASA Comet Mission Nearing Completion

On July 4th, the Deep Impact mission will close with Tempel 1, and give humanity its first look inside of a comet.

Cosmos 1 Mission Ends Before It Begins

A booster rocket failure 83 seconds into the launch has prevented the solar sail mission from reaching orbit.

GM On A Cost-Cutting Mission, 25,000 Jobs At Stake

General Motors is on a mission to cut costs, and of course that means, cutting jobs. The corporation plans to cut about 25,000 jobs and close assembly and component plants in the U.S. over the next several years.

Arizona Set To Begin Mission To Mars

After several months of review by an independent board reporting to NASA, the University of Arizona can proceed with its mission.

Mission statements and why do you blog

Mission statements. They are usually the feel good creations of endless committees and countless meetings. The wording is discussed and talked over innumerable times.

The Essence of the Manager’s Mission

Boy, it felt good! It didn't last long; good things often don't. But having had it once I knew I had to have it again. At least now I knew what I was aiming for - or so I thought. I was wrong. It took me over ten years to understand what I'd done. But now that I do, perhaps it might give you the chance to get the feeling too.
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