Friday, January 10, 2025


How to set up a 301 Redirect on IIS, Non-www Domain Name to www Domain Name

To further elaborate on a article I wrote: 301 Redirects And Domains With And Without WWW, I wanted to discuss the actual implementation of a 301 redirect on IIS.

Black Hat SEO and the Sneaky Redirect

Are shades of grey SEO really Black Hat SEO?

Redirect Affiliate URLs to Save Your Commissions

Due to many browser and other downloads, affiliate links are being automatically redirected to someone else's affiliate links in many cases. You should protect your hard work and earnings! After all, YOU are the one who puts your sweat and your money into your advertising, your site, and your promotions.

Redirect Worms Away

My site is hosted on an Apache web server. Why is that? Because, in my humble opinion, Microsoft's IIS web server is in no way qualified to service Internet web sites. (It is excellent as an intranet and applications server, however.) Another reason is the vast number of security issues that seem to pop up day after day.
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