Friday, February 7, 2025


Flickr Refines Search Results Pages

There is a lot of redesigning of Yahoo properties going on these days. Earlier today, some big changes were announced for delicious. The Yahoo homepage was recently redone of course. Now Flickr has redesigned its search results page. The company says the new design makes it easier to browse through the billions of photos and videos on the site, and to connect to the communities that can help make sense of them. View Controls

A Future of Googling for Twitter Results?

After checking out Bing's explanation of how it handles reference searches, it got me thinking how big of a role Wikipedia plays in search. Wikipedia entries are often among the top results in Google, and clearly they are a big part of Bing's strategy as well.

Hulu Makes Changes to Search Results

Hulu has made a few changes to how it presents its search results, as well as the site's "most popular" and "recently added" pages. Most noticeably, Hulu has abandoned the two-column approach in favor of a more "prominent placement of the show Hulu thinks you are looking for.

Google Improves Universal Results for Locations

Google is now showing images in universal search results for location queries. They have shown maps for some time, but the addition of images enriches the results that much more.

Wikipedia Results Good or Bad for Google News?

Well, the news organizations must love this one. With all of the controversy that has been going on in the online news world, and in particular, the tension between big news organizations and Google, it must have come as a surprise to a lot of people to learn that Google News is now featuring Wikipedia entries in its results.

Killing Bad Search Results with Reputation Management

A company called Visible Technologies has just released a new online reputation management solution. It's called TruRepuation, and aims to provide individuals and companies alike an effective way to manage their reputation in search engine results.

A Trending Topic on Twitter with No Results

Despite Twitter's rapidly growing popularity, the service is quite known for downtime, and random bugs. In fact, the Twitter Status Blog usually does its best to keep the public informed about known bugs, but I have not seen mention of this yet. While taking a look at the top trending topics on Twitter this morning, one of them (#inappropriatemovies)is giving me "no results" when I click on it. How can it be a trending topic if there are no results?

Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Offer More Instant Results

Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft sure do a good job of looking out for sports fans and film enthusiasts.  Although each company uses a different name for its feature, all three recently highlighted ways in which users can receive the latest information.
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