Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Schmidt Speaks At NASA Celebration

Eric Schmidt might have seemed a little out of place speaking at a luncheon commemorating NASA's 50th anniversary; an astronaut or someone who had at least worked for the agency might have been a more commonsense pick.  Schmidt had some interesting things to say, though, and effectively stirred up several discussions.

YouTube’s Steve Chen Speaks About HD

A major sign pointing to this emerged last week, but now we’re (literally) talking: YouTube cofounder Steve Chen has confirmed that the video-sharing site is interested in showing HD video.

Facebook Marketing: A Marketer & Member Speaks

In response to my column last week about Facebook, I received an email from Tanya Cottrell, a student at San Diego State University, and her experience struck me as a great example of a 'small business' approach to Facebook. With her permission, I've excerpted some of her thoughts below. I welcome your stories on how you're using the network.

Schmidt Speaks From the Lion’s Den

It's one thing to talk about Net Neutrality and a little regulation to a crowd of digerati idealists. It's quite another to bring that up at the Masters of the Universe Ball.

Public Speaks Out On Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission's official Net Neutrality inquiry ended Monday, but not before a deluge of public comments in support flooded in.

Affiliate Summit: Ze Frank Speaks

Snicker, laugh, chortle, chuckle gaffaw, hmm, wait, what'd he say? That seems to be the overall reaction to vlogger Ze Frank's keynote address this morning at Affiliate Summit 2007 in Miami.

SES: Search Speaks Up On Ad Quality Scores

A controversial piece of the SEM puzzle considers whether or not a marketer's advertisement suits the quality requirements of the search engines. A session at SES New York brought out the opinions from reps of Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft about ads and quality scores.

Matt Cutts Speaks Up At SES London

Matt Cutts has left the country. Google didn’t transfer him, though, and he didn’t run away – Cutts only temporarily crossed the pond to drop in at the Search Engine Strategies Conference in London. Cutts actually gave the “keynote conversation,” which Chris Sherman moderated.
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