Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Top Newspaper Sites Get Boost In Visitors

There was a 16 percent year-over-year increase in unique visitors to the top 10 newspaper Web sites, growing from 34.6 million unique visitors in December 2007 to 40.1 million in December 2008, according to Nielsen Online.NYTimes.com was the top online newspaper in December 2008, with 18.2 million unique visitors. USATODAY.com took the number two spot with 11.4 million and washingpost.com landed in the three spot with 9.5 million unique visitors.

Most Political Blog Visitors Conservative

If news consumers are indeed upset with the “liberal elite media” and the “liberal regular media,” as Tina Fey, portraying Sarah Palin, put it last week, then the Internet has provided a robust alternative. In fact, as network television ratings slump, comScore says visits to “standalone” political and news websites and blogs are booming, and it looks like the conservatives are winning.At least in September. A lot can change in a few weeks.

Big Money Visitors May Boost IAC Ads

An ad network across the various properties operated by IAC sets its sights on advertisers willing to pay well to reach affluent consumers.

Tighten Your Copy Or Lose Your Visitors

If you're spending plenty of money and time on marketing and advertising, be wary of landing pages that veer into undue verbosity.

Newspaper Web Sites Attract Record Number Of Visitors

Newspaper Web sites received more than 66.4 million unique visitors on average (40.7 percent of all Internet users) in the first quarter of 2008, a record number that is a 12.3 percent increase over the same period a year ago, according to an analysis from Nielsen Online for the Newspaper Association of America (NAA).

CPG Brand Sites Attract 66 Million Visitors

During the third quarter of 2007, consumer packaged goods (CPG) brand sites brought in a total of 66 million U.S. visitors, an increase of 10 percent over the same period last year, according to comScore.

Compete: Republican Candidates Run For Visitors

When it comes to who's paying attention to perceived frontrunners Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, and Mitt Romney among the Republican candidates, the trio receives virtually equal visits to their websites. You'll never guess who trumps them, and a fourth candidate, easily.

IndiaTimes.com Exposes Visitors To Malware

Visitors to the Web site of the IndiaTimes.com were exposed to malware, according to a ScanSafe advisory.
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