Monday, May 20, 2024

The Law of Income

The concept behind any form of wealth is creating income. Are you satisfied with your current income?

Probably not. Have you ever wondered why this is so? A typical case, shared often at seminars, is that of a person who has constant challenges with money but disapproves of accumulating wealth, implying that it is dirty and that it spoils and changes people. Further, this person is uncomfortable with people in business who have more money and yet he or she can’t succeed.

What should such a person do? Clearly this person is carrying around a mental image that says: “If you have much money, you’ll be ruined by it and you don’t want that. So, it is better to remain poor than seek wealth.” The consequence of such thinking is, not surprisingly, a lack of money. Get rid of these thoughts if you want to be wealthy someday.

The Law of Income says that wealth is first created in the mind. A Wealthy Self-Image People who can’t imagine themselves wealthy are not yet mature enough to become wealthy. Everything begins in the mind as a thought – life is a game that is directed from between your ears. If you can’t “see” yourself with money, then your subconscious still doesn’t have a clear picture of how to act and therefore cannot help you get there. In fact, whatever picture you hold of yourself in your subconscious mind is the person your mind is busy ensuring you are. If your self-image is one of a poor person or someone “struggling to get ahead,” then that is who you will be. Make sure you create and nurse positive pictures of yourself.

Why You Are Not Wealthy Today

There are two reasons that you don’t have as much money today as you desire:

1. You didn’t think about or plan for today before it arrived. Had you been more aware, then, that you would always need money and acted on that awareness in the past, you would be wealthier today than you are right now.


Because, you would have intentionally saved money (perhaps even by making small sacrifices over the years) or invested money (even small amounts) and would therefore have more money today than you currently have. Make a list of your expenses for one month; you’ll quickly discover how many unnecessary things you buy and how much you could therefore set-aside for tomorrow.

If you want to free yourself from financial troubles, then start putting a portion of your money into a special account.

2.. The work you have now isn’t bringing in enough money. There are many ways to increase, even maximize, the financial and nonmonetary rewards you earn from your job.

Ridding Your Path of Obstacles

The unfavorable financial situation you are in usually comes from a very specific challenge. Those who do not have money have usually been taught to believe that money is dirty or that it can’t be earned in an honest way. So how will you find your fortune, if your subconscious is being fed with things like, “All rich people are dishonest and I don’t want to be like that.”?

What follows is clear…

Perhaps you believe that money changes, even spoils people. If you hold this to be true, wealth will elude you. You have to be clear about the following fact: “Money itself doesn’t mean anything – it’s just a piece of paper, a tool that can be used to trade for material goods.” Money is a “stand-in” for the things you want to buy. Does this mean that all the things you buy are bad and rotten? If that’s true, why do people desire new cars? Imagine your job pays you “in cars” instead of money – would you say now that cars are bad and rotten?

Nikola Grubisa is the co-author of the best-selling Millionaire Mindset e-book. To read more of his articles, get the one book that can help you attain your desires, or get the other steps (this article talks about step #1) to improving your sales, visit’dp1

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